воскресенье, 15 февраля 2009 г.

OpenCFLite 476.17.1 Release

Original: OpenCFLite 476.17.1 Release

A few weeks ago, another Linux hacker named Grant Erickson contacted me to suggest joining forces on the CF-lite front. He had done some work porting the 299 version of CF-lite to Linux, and had stumbled across my more recent port of the 476.17 sources to the Windows platform (needed in support of my redistributable Windows WebKit project.) Grant has now successfully merged his sources into the archive, and we are now feature-compatible on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

We are attempting to track Apple's upstream CF-lite source tree, and so our number scheme is to use their version with a third digit added to represent our revision. We initially released as 476.17.0, but now have fixed a few bugs, added some more examples, and cleaned things up.

CF-lite isn't as sexy as WebKit, o

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