суббота, 30 мая 2009 г.

Recent WebKit Updates

Original: Recent WebKit Updates

I've beaten back the recent bit-rot that is endemic in tracking the WebKit project. This project moves so fast that if you don't stay on top of things it rapidly leaves you behind!

Recent updates now provide proper support for synthetic bold/oblique fonts, as well as using more of the Chromium team's image decoders. I also corrected various build settings that were causing the Cairo build to attempt to link against old ICU libraries.

The never-ending patch

Mozilla firefox 3.5 video Ad...!!!

Original: Mozilla firefox 3.5 video Ad...!!!

Awesome video about the new Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and its features made by Launch Team India.. check it out at vimeo : http://vimeo.com/4786676  and also at youtube :
Behind the scenes at :http://www.sreadthefire.blogspot.com/
do give your comments :)
thank you.

Member of the Week

Original: Member of the Week

Member of the Week

Meet a huge Opera-fan from Indonesia who just can't seem to get away from the Internet... Well, not this time either! :p

Member of the Week

Meet a moderator from one of the most active groups on My Opera: Klub Pengguna Opera Indonesia. This team make sure Indonesia stay up to date on community- and Opera news. :yes:<

пятница, 29 мая 2009 г.

Member of the Week

Original: Member of the Week

Member of the Week

Meet a huge Opera-fan from Indonesia who just can't seem to get away from the Internet... Well, not this time either! :p

Member of the Week

Meet a moderator from one of the most active groups on My Opera: Klub Pengguna Opera Indonesia. This team make sure Indonesia stay up to date on community- and Opera news. :yes:<

четверг, 28 мая 2009 г.

Dynamic blog designs

Original: Dynamic blog designs

A few blog themes

Earlier this week, community member Amnith revealed his new designs that are changing by the time of the day. :eyes:

Earlier this week, community member Amnith revealed his new designs that are changing by the time of the day. If you get in at 4 p.m. you will see one theme, while if you get in at 9 a.m. you'll see a completely different theme.

This is done by a very simple process, but requires a web hosting wi med by the different themes, and put the CSS files in these directories. We'll call all the files user.css to keep it easy to edit. We shall now have the following setup:

(root directory)

  • morning
  • user.css
  • day
  • user.css
  • evening
  • user.css
  • night
  • user.css

Bold words are directories

The user.css are the CSS files you have generated for the different themes. An excellent way to do so is to use Furie and Moesring's ingenious My Opera CSS Generator. This piece of neatness is designed to enable anyone to customize their blog themes without any specific knowledge of CSS, and allows people to change the look and feel of their pages easily.

Now that the designs are in place, we have to make the script that does the magic. The script itself is written in PHP, and its general idea is this: If the hour of the day is between X and Y, show design Z. The hour has to be in 24 hour

Now, in order for us to be able to get out the correct designs to the correct time, we will have to check to see if the hour meets the criterias we have set. Say for our night design, we want it to be shown between 0000 and 0600, while the morning takes over from 0600. This means that we will have to see if the value of the hour is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 6. This is done like this in PHP:

  $hour = date("H");
  if ( $hour >= 0 && $hour < 6 )
    <do something here>

This is read as: if the value of hour is greater than or equal to zero and the value of hour is less than six, then...

What we want to do instead of the <do something here>, is to include and show the appropriate CSS file. This is done with PHP's include command. This is how it is done:

  $hour = date("H");
  if ( $hour >= 0 && $hour < 6 )
    include "night/user.css";

Great job! Now we have a CSS file shown between 0000 and 0600! We are going to use the same template for the rest of the intervals, but instead of if, we're going to use elseif.

The entire code block will then be read as: if the value of hour is greater than or equal to zero and the value of hour is less than six, then include the user.css file from the night directory. Otherwise, if the value of hour is greater than or equal to six and the value of hour is less than twelve, then include the user.css file from the morning directory. This repeats for the remaining two intervals.

  $hour = date("H");
  if ( $hour >= 0 && $hour < 6 )
    include "night/user.css";
  elseif ( $hour >= 6 && $hour < 12 )
    include "morning/user.css";
  elseif ( $hour >= 12 && $hour < 18 )
    include "day/user.css";
  elseif ( $hour >= 18 && $hour < 24 )
    include "evening/user.css";

That's it, you're done! Save the script to the file "myo.php" in the root directory and go to your My Opera account page. Now, choose design and custom style sheet. In the custom style sheet page, paste the following code:
@import url("http://path.to/hosting/rootfolder/myo.php");

Congratulations! You have now made a dynamic My Opera design!

среда, 27 мая 2009 г.

Get recognized for sharing Opera!

Original: Get recognized for sharing Opera!

Affiliate program

With yesterday's release we also introduced the brand new Opera affiliate program called "Share Opera". Read all about how to get started, current status and how to get more actively involved with other community members.

Share Opera banner

Our affiliate program gives you the opportunity to earn points for referring others to download the Opera Web browser. This gives you the opportunity to promote Opera and be recognized for your efforts.

Sign up and we’ll show this Opera-promoting banner on your page. When people click and download Opera from your page you get 1 Opera point.

How does it work?

It’s easy. An Opera-branded banner will be added to the sidebar of your blog. When people click on the button, they will be taken to the download page which has your unique user ID referred.

When a person downloads the Opera browser from the landing page with your user ID, you will be granted one point. So, the more people you refer, the higher your score will be!

You can view the results in real time and see where you stand in relation to others in the affiliate program.

How can I earn more points?

Be creative. :) The current top affiliates passes around the download link on Twitter, Facebook, Orkut, etc. Many of you have a high page rank on search engines, so why not use that to your advantage.

You can also add a new sticky post to your blog, recommending your visitors to download and try Opera. :)

We hope

windows firefox theme

Original: windows firefox theme

looking for a good theme for windows so im going to make the best theme for windows with the firefox looks and feel dont realy know if some has already done this tho but maybe not 

понедельник, 25 мая 2009 г.

My Opera gone bananas!

Original: My Opera gone bananas!

A whole lot of bananas

Today we've made several improvements and changes to My Opera. Read all about the addition of new features and :bug: fixing. :cool:

A whole lot of bananas

It's "patch day" and this means addition of new features, :bug: fixing and hopefully joy and excitement! We are very excited about this release for a number of reasons: First and foremost, we've made some very important changes to the friends system. You now have a list of pending requests with /a>.

Changelog for the banana release:


  • A lot of speed optimizations have been made to make My Opera load faster.
  • We have significally decreased the number of file requests by using more CSS sprites for images as well as combining CSS files.
  • Increased page width 40px for community pages.
  • We have updated the look of the status field on the home page and made it more visible.
  • Displaying 2 instead of 3 "community news" on home page when logged in.
  • Redesigned "Download Opera" page.
  • Redesigned the "Choose Opera" page.
  • New look for the Opera affiliate banner.
  • We have updated the look of the status field on the home page and made it more visible.
  • A brand new "favorites" page is now available for all users. It can be turned on/off by going to "My page" > "Account" > "Page configuration".
  • Trimmed the size of all buttons to make them smaller.
  • Small "join My Opera" promo is shown on "about" page for logged out users when they visit My Opera directly from another site.
  • Small notice to download Opera displayed on some pages for other browsers.
  • Activity feed is updated to show "favorites" and "new profile picture".

My page, blog and photo albums:

  • Your "files" section have been redesigned for better usability.
  • New buttons for adding photo as favorite and sharing photos added when hovering photo album images.
  • The e-card pages have been redesigned.
  • Several pages like "start a new photo album" and "start a blog" have been redesigned to fit the look of the blog themes.
  • Updated design of default blog theme menu.
  • Added twitter to "share this".
  • Moved MMS e-mail notice from the album overview to the album page.
  • Moved tags from the album overview to the album page.
  • Added date to photo albums.
  • Added album description to album page.
  • Fixed the design of the photo tags page.
  • Added a new page for editing single images in photo albums.
  • Redesigned the photo page for the default blog theme.
  • Added "share this photo" to photo sidebar.
  • Added "blog this" to photo pages.
  • The "info" page is gone and links point directly to the "about" page.
  • The top menu avatar now links to your own page instead of the community home page.


  • Status have been removed from the friends page.
  • Added friends request info to top bar.
  • Added "block" and "ignore" buttons to friends request page.

суббота, 23 мая 2009 г.

Member of the week

Original: Member of the week

Member of the week

This week's spotlighted shines on a community member that has been a member since November 2005.

Member of the week

This week's spotlighted shines on a community member that has been a member since November 2005. She recently turned 30 and enjoys writing about things like everyday events, music and travelling.

She is also sharing beautiful images of “Norway in a nutshell”, and other places she has visited.

Congratulations Gine, you are this week's member of the week!

пятница, 22 мая 2009 г.

Indonesia fun

Original: Indonesia fun

Buat yang dari indonesia, ngumpul dong dimari...Biar kalo ada permasalahan kan gampang mbahasnya, cz gw ndiri kagak ngerti ma yang namanya bhs liggis....
N buat master2nya, kasih info dong, maklum gw kan msh belajaran neh...
Ngumpul dimari juga boleh, sambil kasih info n sumbang saran wat gw, http://harriesta.blogspot.com


Original: Bantuan

Gw banyak yang pengen gw tanyain, tapi kemana nanyanya...sedangkan bahasa inggris gw kagak ngerti, please bwt yang dari indonesia, mohon saranya dong, biar gw banyak ngerti tentang mozila, ato gabung n kasih saran dimari juga papa neh http://harriesta.blogspot.com

четверг, 21 мая 2009 г.

Rescheduled: May Chat with the Internet Explorer

Original: Rescheduled: May Chat with the Internet Explorer

The May IE Chat has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 28st at 10.00 PST/17.00 UTC. We apologize for any inconveniences.  

As always transcripts of previous chats are available here.

See you next week!

Allison Burnett
Program Manager

вторник, 19 мая 2009 г.

Our Shout Out to Flock’s Facebook and Twitter Users…

Original: Our Shout Out to Flock's Facebook and Twitter Users…

At Flock, we love to hear from you. We want to make sure that Flock continues to help you discover, enjoy and share the relationships and content you're passionate about. So while you've been talking, we've been listening. The result is a new version of Flock that reflects the new ways you want to use your favorite social browser along with two of your favorite networks—Twitter and Facebook.

The new version that we're releasing today lets you keep your finger on the pulse of your social networks, yet it gives you the freedom to explore online without having to click back and forth between websites, tabs, applications and content. And now, Flock is the only browser that let's you take Facebook Chat with you wherever you go on the Web. You can also drag and drop photos, videos, links and text into your chats, making everything simple, social and fun.

Flock 2.5 makes sharing and discovering content fast and easy. You just drag and drop URLs, photos, videos, text or other things you find on the web to a friend's Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or other profile in Flock's People Sidebar and it's instantly shared. And now Flock comes with Twitter Search right in MyWorld, so you can keep up to date on all the topics you're most interested in and save them in the best place possible, your Flock browser.