понедельник, 16 марта 2009 г.

WebKitGTK+ 1.1.3 released! =D

Original: WebKitGTK+ 1.1.3 released! =D

No, you’re not reading it wrong… “but what about 1.1.2?”, you ask. Well, we made a small mistake with the soversion there (if mistakes regarding soversion are ever small, that is =/), so we had to quickly release a fixed up version before packages start showing up for distributions with an incorrect library soname. Apologies.

With this release we have a shiny new website at http://webkitgtk.org/, hosted by Igalia and designed by Christian Dywan, who’s one of the contributors to WebKitGTK+’s code. This new release sports many interesting features and fixes. You may remember me talking about the download support initially contributed by Collabora, which I was fixing up and pushing for inclusion. Well, it is now available, and already implemented in Epiphany 2.27.0. Christian Dywan tells me he won’t let Midori stay behind Epiphany on this one, so expect support for downloading correctly integrated in Midori as well.

Some more pet peeves got fixed with this release, such as scrolling with keys such as space bar, home, end, not behaving the way people expect. We also found more improvements which are in order for libsoup, and we’ll be pushing them, even though we have added small workarounds to WebKitGTK+ itself for the time being.

We have added proper logging support for our port, providing a WEBKIT_BUILD environment variable. Documentation on how to use this will follow soonish, but for now you can look at the LoggingGTK.cpp file to know what values you can add to that variable. Also notice that only debug builds use logging to its full extent!

WebKitGTK+ 1.1.1 has now hit Debian experimental, by the way, and I plan to have 1.1.3 uploaded early this week. An epiphany-webkit package based on 2.27 is in the works, and should be in soon, too. There seems to be lots of interest in having a PPA for Ubuntu, as well, so we may see that happening soonish. We plan to get more testing this way, and be able to uncover and fix more bugs, so that we can get a rock solid release ready in time for GNOME 2.28.

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