суббота, 30 мая 2009 г.
Recent WebKit Updates
I've beaten back the recent bit-rot that is endemic in tracking the WebKit project. This project moves so fast that if you don't stay on top of things it rapidly leaves you behind!
Recent updates now provide proper support for synthetic bold/oblique fonts, as well as using more of the Chromium team's image decoders. I also corrected various build settings that were causing the Cairo build to attempt to link against old ICU libraries.
The never-ending patch
Mozilla firefox 3.5 video Ad...!!!
Awesome video about the new Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and its features made by Launch Team India.. check it out at vimeo : http://vimeo.com/4786676 and also at youtube :
Behind the scenes at :http://www.sreadthefire.blogspot.com/
do give your comments :)
thank you.
Member of the Week
Meet a huge Opera-fan from Indonesia who just can't seem to get away from the Internet... Well, not this time either! :p
Meet a moderator from one of the most active groups on My Opera: Klub Pengguna Opera Indonesia. This team make sure Indonesia stay up to date on community- and Opera news. :yes:<
пятница, 29 мая 2009 г.
Member of the Week
Meet a huge Opera-fan from Indonesia who just can't seem to get away from the Internet... Well, not this time either! :p
Meet a moderator from one of the most active groups on My Opera: Klub Pengguna Opera Indonesia. This team make sure Indonesia stay up to date on community- and Opera news. :yes:<
четверг, 28 мая 2009 г.
Dynamic blog designs
Earlier this week, community member Amnith revealed his new designs that are changing by the time of the day. :eyes:
Earlier this week, community member Amnith revealed his new designs that are changing by the time of the day. If you get in at 4 p.m. you will see one theme, while if you get in at 9 a.m. you'll see a completely different theme.
This is done by a very simple process, but requires a web hosting wi med by the different themes, and put the CSS files in these directories. We'll call all the files user.css to keep it easy to edit. We shall now have the following setup:
(root directory)
- morning
- user.css
- day
- user.css
- evening
- user.css
- night
- user.css
Bold words are directories
The user.css are the CSS files you have generated for the different themes. An excellent way to do so is to use Furie and Moesring's ingenious My Opera CSS Generator. This piece of neatness is designed to enable anyone to customize their blog themes without any specific knowledge of CSS, and allows people to change the look and feel of their pages easily.
Now that the designs are in place, we have to make the script that does the magic. The script itself is written in PHP, and its general idea is this: If the hour of the day is between X and Y, show design Z. The hour has to be in 24 hour
Now, in order for us to be able to get out the correct designs to the correct time, we will have to check to see if the hour meets the criterias we have set. Say for our night design, we want it to be shown between 0000 and 0600, while the morning takes over from 0600. This means that we will have to see if the value of the hour is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 6. This is done like this in PHP:
  $hour = date("H");
  if ( $hour >= 0 && $hour < 6 )
    <do something here>
This is read as: if the value of hour is greater than or equal to zero and the value of hour is less than six, then...
What we want to do instead of the <do something here>, is to include and show the appropriate CSS file. This is done with PHP's include command. This is how it is done:
  $hour = date("H");
  if ( $hour >= 0 && $hour < 6 )
    include "night/user.css";
Great job! Now we have a CSS file shown between 0000 and 0600! We are going to use the same template for the rest of the intervals, but instead of if, we're going to use elseif.
The entire code block will then be read as: if the value of hour is greater than or equal to zero and the value of hour is less than six, then include the user.css file from the night directory. Otherwise, if the value of hour is greater than or equal to six and the value of hour is less than twelve, then include the user.css file from the morning directory. This repeats for the remaining two intervals.
  $hour = date("H");
  if ( $hour >= 0 && $hour < 6 )
    include "night/user.css";
  elseif ( $hour >= 6 && $hour < 12 )
    include "morning/user.css";
  elseif ( $hour >= 12 && $hour < 18 )
    include "day/user.css";
  elseif ( $hour >= 18 && $hour < 24 )
    include "evening/user.css";
That's it, you're done! Save the script to the file "myo.php" in the root directory and go to your My Opera account page. Now, choose design and custom style sheet. In the custom style sheet page, paste the following code:
@import url("http://path.to/hosting/rootfolder/myo.php");
Congratulations! You have now made a dynamic My Opera design!
среда, 27 мая 2009 г.
Get recognized for sharing Opera!
With yesterday's release we also introduced the brand new Opera affiliate program called "Share Opera". Read all about how to get started, current status and how to get more actively involved with other community members.
Our affiliate program gives you the opportunity to earn points for referring others to download the Opera Web browser. This gives you the opportunity to promote Opera and be recognized for your efforts.
Sign up and weâll show this Opera-promoting banner on your page. When people click and download Opera from your page you get 1 Opera point.
How does it work?
Itâs easy. An Opera-branded banner will be added to the sidebar of your blog. When people click on the button, they will be taken to the download page which has your unique user ID referred.
When a person downloads the Opera browser from the landing page with your user ID, you will be granted one point. So, the more people you refer, the higher your score will be!
You can view the results in real time and see where you stand in relation to others in the affiliate program.
How can I earn more points?
Be creative. :) The current top affiliates passes around the download link on Twitter, Facebook, Orkut, etc. Many of you have a high page rank on search engines, so why not use that to your advantage.
You can also add a new sticky post to your blog, recommending your visitors to download and try Opera. :)
We hope
windows firefox theme
looking for a good theme for windows so im going to make the best theme for windows with the firefox looks and feel dont realy know if some has already done this tho but maybe not
понедельник, 25 мая 2009 г.
My Opera gone bananas!
Today we've made several improvements and changes to My Opera. Read all about the addition of new features and :bug: fixing. :cool:
It's "patch day" and this means addition of new features, :bug: fixing and hopefully joy and excitement! We are very excited about this release for a number of reasons: First and foremost, we've made some very important changes to the friends system. You now have a list of pending requests with /a>.
Changelog for the banana release:
- A lot of speed optimizations have been made to make My Opera load faster.
- We have significally decreased the number of file requests by using more CSS sprites for images as well as combining CSS files.
- Increased page width 40px for community pages.
- We have updated the look of the status field on the home page and made it more visible.
- Displaying 2 instead of 3 "community news" on home page when logged in.
- Redesigned "Download Opera" page.
- Redesigned the "Choose Opera" page.
- New look for the Opera affiliate banner.
- We have updated the look of the status field on the home page and made it more visible.
- A brand new "favorites" page is now available for all users. It can be turned on/off by going to "My page" > "Account" > "Page configuration".
- Trimmed the size of all buttons to make them smaller.
- Small "join My Opera" promo is shown on "about" page for logged out users when they visit My Opera directly from another site.
- Small notice to download Opera displayed on some pages for other browsers.
- Activity feed is updated to show "favorites" and "new profile picture".
My page, blog and photo albums:
- Your "files" section have been redesigned for better usability.
- New buttons for adding photo as favorite and sharing photos added when hovering photo album images.
- The e-card pages have been redesigned.
- Several pages like "start a new photo album" and "start a blog" have been redesigned to fit the look of the blog themes.
- Updated design of default blog theme menu.
- Added twitter to "share this".
- Moved MMS e-mail notice from the album overview to the album page.
- Moved tags from the album overview to the album page.
- Added date to photo albums.
- Added album description to album page.
- Fixed the design of the photo tags page.
- Added a new page for editing single images in photo albums.
- Redesigned the photo page for the default blog theme.
- Added "share this photo" to photo sidebar.
- Added "blog this" to photo pages.
- The "info" page is gone and links point directly to the "about" page.
- The top menu avatar now links to your own page instead of the community home page.
- Status have been removed from the friends page.
- Added friends request info to top bar.
- Added "block" and "ignore" buttons to friends request page.
суббота, 23 мая 2009 г.
Member of the week
This week's spotlighted shines on a community member that has been a member since November 2005.
This week's spotlighted shines on a community member that has been a member since November 2005. She recently turned 30 and enjoys writing about things like everyday events, music and travelling.
She is also sharing beautiful images of âNorway in a nutshellâ, and other places she has visited.
Congratulations Gine, you are this week's member of the week!
пятница, 22 мая 2009 г.
Indonesia fun
Buat yang dari indonesia, ngumpul dong dimari...Biar kalo ada permasalahan kan gampang mbahasnya, cz gw ndiri kagak ngerti ma yang namanya bhs liggis....
N buat master2nya, kasih info dong, maklum gw kan msh belajaran neh...
Ngumpul dimari juga boleh, sambil kasih info n sumbang saran wat gw, http://harriesta.blogspot.com
Gw banyak yang pengen gw tanyain, tapi kemana nanyanya...sedangkan bahasa inggris gw kagak ngerti, please bwt yang dari indonesia, mohon saranya dong, biar gw banyak ngerti tentang mozila, ato gabung n kasih saran dimari juga papa neh http://harriesta.blogspot.com
четверг, 21 мая 2009 г.
Rescheduled: May Chat with the Internet Explorer
The May IE Chat has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 28st at 10.00 PST/17.00 UTC. We apologize for any inconveniences.
As always transcripts of previous chats are available here.
See you next week!
Allison Burnett
Program Manager
вторник, 19 мая 2009 г.
Our Shout Out to Flockâs Facebook and Twitter Usersâ¦
At Flock, we love to hear from you. We want to make sure that Flock continues to help you discover, enjoy and share the relationships and content you're passionate about. So while you've been talking, we've been listening. The result is a new version of Flock that reflects the new ways you want to use your favorite social browser along with two of your favorite networks—Twitter and Facebook.
The new version that we're releasing today lets you keep your finger on the pulse of your social networks, yet it gives you the freedom to explore online without having to click back and forth between websites, tabs, applications and content. And now, Flock is the only browser that let's you take Facebook Chat with you wherever you go on the Web. You can also drag and drop photos, videos, links and text into your chats, making everything simple, social and fun.
Flock 2.5 makes sharing and discovering content fast and easy. You just drag and drop URLs, photos, videos, text or other things you find on the web to a friend's Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or other profile in Flock's People Sidebar and it's instantly shared. And now Flock comes with Twitter Search right in MyWorld, so you can keep up to date on all the topics you're most interested in and save them in the best place possible, your Flock browser.
Last but not least is FlockCast, an effortless way to share information across your social networks. With FlockCast, you can broadcast anything from blog posts and picture uploads to Tweets and MySpace status updates directly to your Facebook profile. And when you share a URL in a Twitter message, Flock automatically shortens the URL.
Clearly, this new version of Flock is for those of you that are Twitter and Facebook fans. Our Facebook users have grown over 80% since the beginning of 2009! And, on Twitter, we are proud and appreciative of in the great things you're writing about Flock across the Twittersphere… (check out #flock).
Flock's popularity has been almost entirely driven by the generous recommendations coming from each of you (we just passed 7.5 million downloads). We're extremely grateful for your support and hope that you'll keep spreading the word. And now we're giving you the opportunity to earn the recognition and rewards you deserve by telling your friends about Flock on Facebook at http://www.flock.com/refer.
As always, let us know about your experiences with Flock. What you have to say is important--and we hear you.
Tags: flock, browser, flockbrowser, 2.5, social, socialbrowser, facebook, twitter, facebookchat, flockcast
Upcoming maintenance
On Wednesday we will take down My Opera at 10:00 a.m. CEST (time zones) to implement new features and fix :bug:. :yes:
On Wednesday we will take down My Opera at 10:00 a.m. CEST (time zones) to further enhance your community experience. :banana:
Some of the changes you can look forward to are:
- Status have been removed from the friends page.
- We have updated the look of the status field on the home page and made it more visible.
- The top menu avatar now links to your own page instead of the community home page.
- A brand new "favorites" page is now available for all users. It can be turned on/off by going to "My page" > "Account" > "Page configuration".
- Redesigned "Download Opera" page.
- Redesigned the "Choose Opera" page.
- Added an affiliate program. :)
- Added twitter to "share this".
- Added "block" and "ignore" buttons to friends request page.
- And much, much more!
Read about the upcoming markup changes in the devblog.
Making the Web Bigger Part 1: Improvements to Zoom
As display technologies advance and the world begins to fully embrace accessibility on the web, the Zoom and High DPI experience of all browsers has become increasingly important. This is the first in a series of posts describing changes and improvements to Internet Explorer 8 to enable a more readable web on today's displays. In this post, we'll focus on enhancements to the Zoom user experience.
How to Use Zoom
First, let's review how to take advantage of Zoom in Internet Explorer 8. Internet Explorer 7's zoom was closer to optical zoom, where every element on the page was scaled relative to its size as rendered at 100% or 'normal' view. This led to a number of issues for users, such as the overabundance of horizontal scrollbars. The new zoom in Internet Explorer 8 scales elements that are defined in absolute units, such as pixels, while not affecting the size of elements defined in relative units, such as percentages. For a full description of the zoom layout and rendering behavior in Internet Explorer 8, please see Saloni's blog post from Beta 1. Preferences for individual users differ greatly, so there are four ways to zoom in and out on web pages:
- Via the user interface
- Via keyboard shortcuts
- Via the mouse wheel
- Via touch gestures (available on Windows 7)
User Interface
The most common and visible method of zooming pages is by clicking on the zoom icon in the bottom right corner of the browser window:
Clicking on the magnifying glass toggles zoom between 100%, 125%, and 150%. Clicking on the down arrow to the right of the magnifying glass gives you more granular options for zooming:
You can access the same options as those illustrated above by clicking on 'Page' in the Command Bar, and then the 'Zoom' menu item.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Using keyboard shortcuts is probably the fastest way to zoom in and out on webpages you are reading.
- Increment zoom by 25% by hitting the Control Key and the 'Plus' key together
- Decrement zoom by 25% by hitting the Control Key and the 'Minus' key together
- Set zoom to 100% by hitting the Control Key and the 'Zero' key together
When you use the keyboard shortcuts to increment and decrement zoom, you will also notice that the zoom value will snap to 100%. For example, let's say your zoom is set to 115%. If you hit the shortcut combination for zoom decrement twice, zoom will go from 115% to 100%, and then from 100% to 75%.
Mouse Wheel
You can also rapidly zoom in and out a webpage using a mouse wheel, if your mouse is equipped with one. While viewing a webpage, hold the Control Key while scrolling the mouse wheel. If you scroll the wheel away from you, the page will zoom in, and conversely, if you scroll the wheel towards you, the page will zoom out. Each notch on the scroll wheel increments/decrements zoom by 5%.
Touch Gesture
I discuss how to use touch gestures to zoom farther down in the post, so keep reading!
Zoom Persistence
Internet Explorer 8 remembers your zoom choice across new tabs and new windows. For example, let's say you are viewing a web page and decide that 125% works better for you than your current zoom setting of 100%. Clicking the magnifying glass in the bottom right bumps your page up to 125% zoom. Internet Explorer 8 remembers this preference and opens up all future windows and tabs at 125%. In fact, any method of setting the zoom level as described above is remembered by Internet Explorer 8 until you change it again. Internet Explorer 7 had a different behavior – zoom was reset to the default value for all new windows and tabs. If you prefer that behavior you can adjust the setting:
- 'Tools' in the Command Bar
- 'Internet Options' menu item
- 'Advanced' Tab
Check the option 'Reset zoom level for new windows and tabs' and then click 'Ok:
Never Lose Your Place While Zooming Again
Beta feedback showed that many IE users lost their place in the document when zooming in and out on a webpage. Thanks to collaboration with the Internet Explorer Touch feature team and Windows 7 Touch team, we've implemented a feature called Focal Point Zoom that addresses this problem.
What is Focal Point Zoom?
Focal Point Zoom allows Internet Explorer to zoom in and out on any webpage while retaining a specified focal point within an element. This way, you get a way more intuitive zooming experience and are less likely to lose your bearings. An example… Let's say you're reading www.msn.com and want to zoom in around President Obama's ear. The focal point can be defined as right over the President's ear as in the screenshot below:
You can then zoom in as much as you like and the browser will retain the same focal point:
Notice how the focal point hasn't changed location relative to the viewport and hasn't changed relative to the element content (The President's ear).
How do I use Focal Point Zoom?
Actually, all our methods of zooming now take advantage of Focal Point Zoom, but determine the focal point in different ways:
- Mouse Wheel Zoom - The location of the mouse cursor defines the focal point. This allows for very precise zooming in and out.
- Keyboard Zoom - The focal point is defined as the center of the viewport (see diagram below)
- User Interface Zoom - The focal point is defined as the center of the viewport (see diagram below)
Windows 7 RC, Multi-touch Hardware, and Focal Point Zoom
If you are one of the lucky ones who owns a multi-touch enabled PC with the latest Release Candidate of Windows 7 installed, you will be able to use our specific touch-enabled zoom features that leverage Focal Point Zoom technology.
Pinch Zoom
The first feature, which might be familiar to you, is 'pinch zoom'. When you begin a pinch gesture by placing two fingers down on your touch surface, the focal point is defined as the distance halfway between your two fingers:
As you move your fingers farther apart, Internet Explorer will zoom the page in (zoom percentage increases) and conversely, as you move your fingers closer together, Internet Explorer will zoom the page out (zoom percentage decreases), all the while retaining the focal point. The amount of zooming that occurs is directly proportional to the change in distance relative to the current zoom level.
'Two Finger Tap' Zoom
The second feature uses the Two Finger Tap gesture from Windows 7 to allow you to quickly zoom in on a screen element by tapping it with two fingers. (On the IE team, we like to call this the "cobra tap".) The focal point is once again defined as the distance halfway between your two fingers, and the target element is defined as the element below the focal point. In the diagram above, the President's picture would be the target element. Internet Explorer 8 will do its best to zoom in on the target element as much as possible without pushing it off the viewport. If you perform a second cobra tap on the same page prior to navigating, the page will be returned to your default zoom setting.
It is important to note that any zoom level changes due to touch gestures do not persist across navigations, new tabs, or new windows. We found from user testing that most people utilized touch zoom features primarily for quick inspection and link pressing. You can change your default zoom setting by changing zoom via the UI, keyboard, or mouse as described previously.
When Focal Point Zoom Doesn't Work As Expected
There are times when Focal Point Zoom may not work as you might expect. The first thing to keep in mind is that in order for Internet Explorer 8 to be able to retain a focal point, the webpage must have scrollbars. If you are at lower zoom levels or the webpage author goes to great lengths to prevent scrollbars at all window sizes, Internet Explorer 8 might be unable to pan the page in order to keep the focal point due to lack of scrollbars. One example of such a page is www.wikipedia.org, where most element dimensions are defined in terms of relative units, such as percentages. For example, when an element is sized as a percentage of the viewport, that element itself will never cause the appearance of scrollbars , which are needed in order for focal point zoom to pan properly.
Additionally, if a webpage reflows its layout during window size changes because the majority of elements are defined relatively or through the usage of JavaScript, the focal point retention may not appear to be as accurate as expected. Here, the problem isn't that the focal point is wrong, but rather that the content within the element that has the focal point moves significantly.
Matching Zoom to Windows DPI Setting
In order to make the web browsing experience congruent with the Windows experience, Internet Explorer matches its zoom setting to your Windows DPI setting. For example, if your Windows DPI Scaling is set to 120 DPI, Internet Explorer 8 zooms the content of webpages by 125%, because scaling is done relative to 96 DPI, and 120/96 equals 1.25, or 125%. For more details on High DPI and Internet Explorer 8, please see the 'DPI Scaling' section of the 'Making the Web Bigger' whitepaper on MSDN. Of course, if you prefer to view webpages at another zoom level by default, you can simply change the zoom level, as described at the top of this post, and Internet Explorer 8 will remember your last choice.
Until Next Time
We hope you enjoy the improvements made to Zoom over the past couple of months and we would be glad to hear your feedback. Please look out for part 2 of this series over the next few of weeks, which will focus more on the technical aspects of Zoom, High DPI, and the developer platform. In the meantime, hopefully the Zoom and High DPI whitepaper referenced above will tide you over. See you soon!
-Harel Williams, User Experience PM
Update 11:10 am: Changing 'Power Tap' to 'Two Finger Tap'
Epiphany/WebKitGTK+ in Debian unstable
I have prepared an epiphany-webkit source package some time ago, and it has finally got out of NEW, thanks to the work Ganeff did this weekend on processing the queue =).
The good thing about those packages is I have patched them heavily to allow for easy parallel installation with Epiphany/Gecko, so you don’t need to give up your current browser to experiment and test Epiphany with the WebKitGTK+ backend. The gconf tree used for this package is /apps/epiphany-webkit, separate from the normal /apps/epiphany, for extra safety, but notice that your ~/.gnome2/epiphany will be shared between the Gecko and WebKit versions, even though the files used by each of them are different most of the time.
Go ahead and install the epiphany-webkit package, and have fun. Notice that if you have an already running session of Epiphany/Gecko, running epiphany-webkit will not be enough to launch Epiphany/Webkit, since Epiphany will just request that a new window be opened through D-Bus. The easiest way to test, if you just want a quick peek, is to run epiphany-webkit -p; this will run a ‘private’ instance of Epiphany/WebKit, which doesn’t touch your history, bookmarks, and passwords.
If you are feeling adventurous and want to make Epiphany/WebKit your default Epiphany you can do so using the following command, and selecting epiphany-webkit:
# update-alternatives --config epiphany-browser
суббота, 16 мая 2009 г.
Firefox at Linux
Fire Launcher
Fire Launcher - add-on. Launching Applications while you are browsing has never been this easy. Checkout this add-on on your windows box.
пятница, 15 мая 2009 г.
Now Available: Internet Explorer 8 MUI packs for Windows XP, Windows Server 03
We are pleased to announce the availability of Internet Explorer 8 Multilingual User Interface (MUI) packs for Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3, and Windows Server 2003 SP2. The MUI packs can be downloaded from here :
As detailed in our previous blog post, the following Internet Explorer MUI packs shipped today –
- Internet Explorer 8 MUI pack applicable to Windows XP x86 and Windows Server 2003 x86 for the following languages –
- Arabic, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Hong Kong), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Thai
- Internet Explorer 8 MUI pack applicable to Windows Server 2003 x64 and Windows XP x64 PRO for the following languages –
- Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese (Brazil)
Note: If you have Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 and OS MUI pack installed, you need to install the English version of Internet Explorer 8 and then install the Internet Explorer 8 MUI pack for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 (matching your Operating system and architecture).
Vishwac Sena Kannan – IE International Program Manager
Jatinder Mann – IE Setup Program Manager
âQapla'â is a phrase from the Klingon language which means success. It's one the most commonly used phrase amongst Star Trek fans. So, who won in our Star Trek quiz and achieved great success?
Thanks everyone for playing and participating in our Star Trek quiz. It was great fun, as always! There are a few summer blockbusters this year and we will be back with more movie contests. :cool:
âQapla'â is a phrase from the Klingon language which means âsuccessâ� Winner of Star Trek: The Original Series (Remastered) for DVD is YeOK. Congratulations! :spock: The lucky winner of Star Trek: Motion Picture Trilogy on Blu-ray is Morghus. Congratulations! Live long and prosper. :spock: Winner of Star Trek: The Originial Series (Remastered) on Blu-ray is patkoscsaba. Congratulations! :spock:
WebKitGTK+ 1.1.7!
So WebKitGTK+ 1.1.7 is here. JIT is finally enabled for x86-64 on Linux! Yay! Go get it!. I am hoping for 1.1.8 we will have serious improvements on what we have landed recently, and on the Media Player. So, stay tuned =D. It looks more and more like we will have a good release for GNOME 2.28.
четверг, 14 мая 2009 г.
Firefox in the Israeli government
A member of the Israeli parliament (The Knesset) named Ilan Gilon sent today a message to the chairman complaining that he wants to use the popular browser Mozilla Firefox in his office computers, in addition to the free media player VLC and Linux, in addition to the lack of wifi in the building.
The tastiest dog food yet
This post is intended for IT administrators, but more technical users might also find it useful.
During Internet Explorer 8 development we paid very close attention to Line of Business (LOB) application compatibility for large enterprises. We want IE8 to be an easy drop-in replacement for earlier versions of IE, so that all users can benefit from the improved speed, security and ease of use of IE8.
Like Microsoft, your organization probably depends on a very large number of Line of Business applications – some commercial, some developed in-house – and the browser is an integral part of your IT infrastructure.
During the past year of IE8 development, we tested thousands of LOB applications here at Microsoft to ensure that an IE8 rollout in your organization will be easy – and we think that we've succeeded in making IE8 one of the easiest enterprise upgrades yet.
Starting at IE8 Beta 1, we rolled out IE8 to thousands of Microsoft employees and debugged any issues they encountered – a process known as dogfooding (as in eating your own dog food…). It wasn't without glitches. At some points, Microsoft employees could not view their pay stubs online or schedule an office move. That let us work out the kinks before we shipped, and IE8 is now being rolled out to all employees at Microsoft.
What you need to know
Of course, you want to roll out new software only once your organization is ready. Use the IE8 Blocker Tool to block the IE8 auto-update while you test IE8.
Once you are ready to roll out IE8 via Microsoft Update, remember to roll out Compatibility View List update package along with the actual IE8 package. The Compatibility View package pre-populates the Compatibility View list, so your users will not have to manually set Compatibility View themselves if they encounter issues when browsing popular sites.
As noted previously, Microsoft will update and rerelease the Compatibility View list as needed - be on the lookout for updates to the Compatibility View list.
As for your intranet:
Internet Explorer will render websites in your intranet in IE7 compatibility view mode by default (unless, of course, the site itself or group policy sets a different mode).
This means that compared to IE7, IE8 should not have any major rendering differences on intranet pages. There are some differences, but they should be minor.
Of course, not all LOB applications are on the intranet anymore. If your users use an extranet site that only works in IE7 Compatibility View mode, you have two ways of fixing it:
If you own the site: You could change the site itself, and use the meta tag or the http header to tell IE8 to render the site in IE7 Compatibility View mode.
- or -
If you do not own the site: You could also use group policy to set the site to IE7 Compatibility View mode: Add the TLD of the site to the 'Use Policy List of Internet Explorer 7 sites' setting.
This setting is found in 'Administrative templates, Windows Components, Internet Explorer, Compatibility View' in the Computer or User section of the GPO.
Configuring IE settings
During your rollout testing, you might discover that you have to do some IE configuration to fix some issues.
In general, make as small a change as possible - Don't change IE's global settings for the intranet or Internet zone, as it could have a major impact on IE security or performance on a lot of sites.
The first thing to try is adding the site to the trusted sites zone - this fixes most issues with LOB applications that require more access to your machine. You can use group policy to add sites in your organization to the user's trusted sites list.
Other things to know:
If you are admin of an Office SharePoint 2007 server, you'll need to install Service Pack 2. (IE8 uses more connections than IE7 when downloading a site, and this may cause issues when you log out of Sharepoint and log in as another user.)
Session management
IE8 now shares session details between windows - so you can't open two IE windows and log into the same site with different credentials.
If you want to do this, use File - New Session to open a new IE window and start a new IE session where you can use different credentials.
File upload control
For security reasons, IE no longer sends the full file path when you upload a file via the file upload control. To get this behavior back for example.com, add it to the trusted sites list.
Intranet zone
Protected mode is now off for the Intranet zone in IE8 (this is similar to IE6 behavior). If this was an issue for your IE7 rollout, IE8 should be easier in this regard.
asp:menu (ASP.NET WebControls)
If you are using ASP.NET on a web page that is rendering in standards mode (in other words: not on your intranet) - remember to patch the ASP.NET control to work in standards mode. See this blog entry for more details.
Microsoft Office Publisher
If your organization is using Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 or Office Publisher 2007 to generate web content, you'll need to republish some pages to make them render correctly in IE8. For example, navigation bars and other content might be missing on the page when viewed in IE8. See KB969705 for a workaround.
Visual Studio 2005/2008 wizards
Some Visual C++ wizards do not function correctly after IE8 is installed. To fix this issue, see this Visual C++ Team blog post.
Please let us know about your experiences with rolling out IE8 in your organization.
Frank Olivier
Internet Explorer Compatibility Program Manager
Firefox+Linux @ Chennai
To pool together the resources of Firefox and Linux users in Chennai and spread open source software in the city. Firefox and Linux, two of the most used open source software can add more value to any individual or organization without an additional cost.
Jan Michael Alonzo is now a WebKit Reviewer
Jan has been around for a very long time now, and has contributed lots of patches to the GTK+ port of WebKit. He’s worked tirelessly on the build system, and on keeping the port compilable. He has also done important work on the testing infra-structure, and contributed sizable chunks of API. Please join me in congratulating Jan on his reviewer status!
среда, 13 мая 2009 г.
IE8: Nine Things You Didn't Know You Could Do
Our typical posts here are original information about the product from the people who built the product. This morning, I ran across a well-written article from PC Magazine with "some tips about features that you may not have noticed" in IE8.
We try to post a lot of useful information on this site (e.g. Session Cookies, sessionStorage, and IE8 or "How can I log into two webmail accounts at the same time?") and it's both exciting and humbling to see professional writers take it a step further.
Dean Hachamovitch
General Manager, IE
вторник, 12 мая 2009 г.
Cordinación para un evento de Mozilla Firefox en la Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt.
Que tal compañeros, A partir de hoy, comenzare a trabajar en la realización de un evento de Mozilla Firefox para realizar dentro de dos meses en la Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt (Fap Turbo Review) Para esto voy a necesitar el apoyo de todos los compañeros de la comunidad a ve
IE8 on Windows 7: The New Taskbar
Hi again! I'm Helen Drislane, a Program Manager on the IE team and I will be discussing how IE integrates into the new Windows 7 taskbar.
Since the new taskbar was completely redesigned to improve window management, I will first describe the new behavior of the taskbar, then talk about how IE takes advantage of that behavior, and then wrap it up by answering some of the common questions we get asked about IE and the new taskbar.
As Chaitanya describes in great detail in his blog post "The Windows 7 Taskbar", the Windows 7 taskbar merges the quick launch and the task buttons into one single unified bar that reworks how you launch and restore applications.
How it works:
- If you have no instances of the application running:
- Clicking on the icon in the taskbar will open an instance of that application
- If you have one instance of the application running:
- Clicking on the icon will restore that already existing instance
- If you have more than one instance of the application running:
- Clicking on the icon will bring up a set of previews of all the instances you have running
If you have, for instance, three IE windows open, clicking on the IE icon will bring up the following thumbnail previews:
In the diagram above, I show three windows. Unlike Vista, which would only show a thumbnail preview for the active tab of the last viewed window, we worked closely with the Windows 7 team to give you previews of all tabs open in IE.
Peek Previews:
Mousing over each of these previews will show you where (on any of your monitors) that instance or tab is located. (This "Peek" feature is also mirrored in Alt+Tab.) Clicking on the thumbnail preview will bring up the corresponding tab.
Opening a new instance:
There are a few ways to open a new instance if one is already open:
- You can right-click on the IE icon and select "Internet Explorer"
- You can drag up on the IE icon with the mouse and select "Internet Explorer"
- You can shift+click or middle+click on the IE icon
- If IE is in the first position (next to the start button as in the diagram above), you can press "Win + 1" and this will launch a new instance (same as Vista). If you move IE to, say, the third position from the start button, "Win + 3" will launch a new instance of IE
Jump lists, new to Windows 7, give you a quick and easy way to open frequently opened items or favorites without first opening IE. Either by right-clicking on an icon in the taskbar or dragging up with the mouse, you can expose IE's frequently visited sites (from your history) and common tasks.
Pinning items:
The jump list also allows you to pin items – which is another way of making a mini list of Favorites right from the desktop! There are two ways to pin items:
- You can drag the icon from the address bar and drop it on the IE icon in the taskbar
- If an item shows up in your Frequent list, you can simply click the tack/pin icon that appears on hover over the item
If I were to hover over, for example, the shortcut to "Tilth Info", I would see the pin icon appear:
Clicking on that pin will result in the following jump list:
Common Tasks:
Based on feedback from Windows 7 Beta users, we added two tasks to the jump list. Users can now open a new tab on the window that was last active, or they can start InPrivate browsing (which will open a new window). To learn more about Browsing InPrivate, please see Andy's blog post here.
I only want to see one preview for each window (like in Vista). Can I turn off the feature that shows all tabs of all windows in the Superbar?
Yes. If you go to the tools menu, select Internet Options, and then select the Settings button in the Tabs section of the first tab, simply uncheck the option that says "Show previews for individual tabs in the taskbar" and restart IE.
I can't find Run IE as an Administrator. Is there another way to run IE with Administrative Privileges?
Yes. Simply Ctrl+Shift+Click on the IE icon on the taskbar.
That sums up the ways in which IE integrates with the new Windows 7 Taskbar. Thank you for trying the Windows 7 Release Candidate and I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Helen Drislane
Program Manager
понедельник, 11 мая 2009 г.
FrameView and navigation
Visiting a site can have certain changes on a FrameView that will not be undone when leaving it. The most prominent example is a fixed background (by CSS) which will disable using blit on scrolling. There might be different things as well. Another one would be the PageCache and navigation to pages in it. The result is that for every page navigation you will create a new FrameView. For most/all ports this is done in
. There is even a convience method shared between most ports in the form of Frame::createView
.From an API point of view this means that there is one WebKitWebView (in terms of Gtk+) and this WebKitWebView has one WebCore::Page and this page has exactly one WebCore::Frame the so called mainFrame but throughout the lifetime of WebKitWebView there will be multipl
Plugins Interesantes para Firefox
Bienvenido a nuestro proyecto, Así como todo el resto de la comunidad de esta fantastica pagina Web todos los días agrega un granito de arena para cambiar la forma de pensar de la gente, Nosotros tambien comenzaremos a trabajar en esto, pero de una forma distinta.
Scrolling in GTK+ and WebKit/GTK+
Model/View GtkAdjustment and GtkScrollbar
The GtkAdjustment is probably best described as a model for scrolling. It has several properties, e.g. the current position (value), the lower and upper possibilities, and the size increments. The GtkScrollbar is operating on top of a GtkAdjustment. It is responsible for taking user events and painting. When scrolling it will look at the lower and upper properties, it will update the value in case of something is happening.WebCore::Scrollbar in WebCore
The Scrollbar is created by the Scrollbar::createNativeScrollbar "factory". For ml#gtk-widget-set-scroll-adjustments">gtk_widget_set_scroll_adjustments. In case of WebKitWebView in WebKit/GTK+ we do want to support scrolling so we need to return TRUE... but how. If you take a look at the class structure of GtkWidget there is a GObject signal identifier you will have to set with the signal you have created. This is done in the WebKitWebView class init and we will remember and use the GtkAdjustment, e.g. set by a GtkScrolledWindow, in the WebCore::ScrollView (base of WebCore::FrameView class). The usage of GtkAdjustment allows to have different means of scrolling, e.g. by fingers on a touchscreen, or by a wheel... the representation of the scroll concept will change, the implementation not...The problem of mainFrame and subframes
So far we will most of the times only have external GtkAdjustment set on the mainFrame that is embedded in something like a GtkScrolledWindow but there are pages that will create a frameset and y to a GtkScrolledWindow or a Moko
суббота, 9 мая 2009 г.
Skin debugging and more
New snapshot available - now with all major platforms again :) Enjoy, and as always: your (constructive) feedback is welcome! Also, we are getting loads of useful crahslogs automatically submitted! Keep the devs busy! ;) But: the more info you add in the crashlog dialog, the better. Please try not to submit the logs without any comments - having some details on the actual crash greatly speeds up identifying the actual issue. And fixing it :)
Note: If you come across any reproducible crash bugs, we would still appreciate it if you report them through the Bug Report Wizard.
WARNING: Please only test upgrading if you have backed up your Opera profile!
Member of the week
Meet a sweet and skillful Vietnamese expat in Japan. Her blog is a treasure for budding chefs, full of recipes (with pictures) showing step by step how to make delicious Vietnamese, Japanese and even European meals.
Meet a sweet and skillful Vietnamese expat in Japan. Her blog is a treasure for budding chefs, full of recipes showing step by step how to make delicious Vietnamese, Japanese and even European meals.
Some of the favorite recipies are Bún dá»c mùng and Giò tai. Thanks to this article, she received the top award at the Vietnamese recipe contest on My Opera! :cool:
Congrats funnytamanegi - our new member of the week! :cheers:
Firefox Presentation(FOSS-nigma)
hey people,
I am sharing a Firefox presentation given by me in FOSS-nigma on 26 April 2009. Check out and this may be useful for you.
Udit Sharma
Opera hits warp speed!
Star Trek is without doubt one of the biggest phenomenon in Sci-Fi; serving us pointy ears and tight uniforms since 1966, but how much do you really know about warp travel, Vulcan's and the "T" in James T. Kirk?
The new Star Trek movie follows the younger James T. Kirk and his crew in their battle against the evil Nero. The movie is not only a lesson in
пятница, 8 мая 2009 г.
Wisla Krakow
Ever heard of "WisÅa Kraków"? It's a Polish Football League champion based in Kraków, Poland, who now have their own Opera browser. :cool:
Ever heard of "WisÅa Kraków"? It's a Polish Football League champion based in Kraków, Poland, who now have their own Opera browser. :cool:
Why Opera
Why not? Opera has a significant market share in Poland (10.11% according to StatCounter) and this will hopefully make Opera grow even more and make the Web a better place for football fans too! Having fans of the club in our Polish office he rong>.
Unfortunately, we do not have a Linux build available.
Embedding a GtkWidget into a HTML page
In the last few days I have suprisingly (actually not, it comes natural when resigning from a job) more time to do stuff that I really want to do. For the last months my webkit involvement has been mostly been reviewing patches created by other people but now I have done something I wanted to add for quite a long time...
I think one of the benefits of having a native web renderer widget in the toolkit is the integration that is possible. You can embed it into other native widgets and you should be able to embed native widgets into the web renderer. I have been working on the second part and the result can be seein in this bug. The attached example is putting the Gtk Scribble example into every plugin.
In the arora web browser this
Share Your Flock Love With Top Flockstars
Hey Flockstars,
I'm super excited to announce a brand new tool for all of you passionate Flockstars out there!
Top Flockstars is a way for you to get recognized and rewarded for your hard work telling the world how much you love Flock.
We thrive on the word-of-mouth evangelism that you all generate. The majority of our 7.5 million downloads have been generated by you telling your friends, family, and colleagues about Flock. You love Flock, you tell your friends, and therefore we are able to keep making Flock better for you. We're immensely grateful for this gift you give us, and we wanted to give something back to you.
It's pretty simple:
1. Log into Top Flockstars using your Facebook account - we'll show you which of your friends are already using Flock
2. Use our form to tell your non-Flocking friends to download Flock
3. For each person who downloads Flock and logs into Facebook, you'll get a token
4. Spend your tokens on nifty rewards!
If you're super-persuasive with your friends, you'll get visibility on the Top Flockstars leaderboard (I'm looking forward to watching the competition). You can also compete on a smaller scale with the friends leaderboard, which shows you how you're doing against your own Facebook friends. And, of course, you get the joy of knowing you've turned your friends on to an awesome browser.
This program is made possible through the power of Facebook Connect. Instead of requiring you to sign up for a new account to participate, all you need are your Facebook credentials. Simple. We're pretty sure that Top Flockstars is the first program to use Facebook Connect in this way, and psyched to break new ground by creating another interesting way to get the most out of Facebook and Flock working together.
This program is all about you, and as always your feedback is key. Let us know what you think.
Now go get 'em!
Evan Hamilton
Community Ambassador
evan at flock dot com
Tags: Flock, Top Flockstars, referral, Facebook, Facebook Connect, prizes, affiliate, Flockstars, evangelism, community
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